Wednesday 6 October 2010


in photoshop why does cutting things out take such a long time!
i did find masking i like this tool

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what you mean Sue, but here goes.
    Book, don't know.
    Getting our name into the presentation is about placement, a bit like the dot in the circle. So ask your self when laying out your three images and name, does it flow, or it it disjointed? Its all about composition, putting things in athletically pleasing to the eye place as well as balance and hierarchy. Look at magazine layouts and what they say i.e a pop mag would be set out differently to a political mag.
    So what message are you trying to get across? Formal? Funky?Challenging? etc.
    I have spent ages trying to work out were to put my name ,and as for the font/size/colour aaaaaaaaaah i have narrowed it down to two places, and then i change my mind on the font.
    Its going to be subjective, so you need to be able to justify to his lordship why you put stuff in a certain place on the A1 Sheet

    Thats my pennies worth, i would ask the others to confirm or completely pull me apart.

    All Good?
